Gaurs International School, with the motto of “तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय” is committed to make every student a good human being and a responsible Indian with self-esteem by
- Nurturing Academic Excellence to become lifelong learners - by providing them with a conducive environment for teaching & learning, latest technology/ teaching aids.
- Character building through Sports - by providing them with best of sports infrastructure, promoting sports within school hours, exposure to inter school/house matches frequently, promoting evening sports academies and appointing best human resource available.
- Promoting Sanskrit - by providing them only Sanskrit “mother of all languages” as an option and by sensitizing them about our ancient history and culture.
- Giving exposure for personal Integrity and Community Responsibility - by providing them exposure to Scouts and Guides, National Cadet Core and through conducting regular morning assemblies where children are sensitized about current affairs and moral values.
- Promoting Indian Values and Culture - through life skills curriculum and making yoga compulsory for all classes.
- Continually improving the Teaching & Learning process and its effectiveness - by providing continuous training to teachers, frequent classroom audits and parents’ feedback.