Puppet Show

GISSV, a center for 21st-century creativity, hosted an engaging puppet show featuring talented students of Nursery. Under the guidance of dedicated teachers, the young puppeteers brought to life "The Lion and the Rabbit," a fable with timeless wisdom. 
The puppet show skillfully portrayed the Lion as a symbol of courage and the Rabbit as an embodiment of adaptability. The learning facilitators narrated the story , creating a strong connection with the audience , emphasizing its moral in our age of information and innovation .
This performance wasn't just delightful entertainment ; it served as a valuable 21st-century learning experience, showcasing creativity , dedication , and teamwork . The young students' puppetry skills, with vivid expressions , were truly commendable, making the story come alive in a way that left a lasting impact on all who witnessed it. 

01 Nov 2023

School Admin