Annual Day 2024
Annual Day 2024: A Tale of Love, Nature, and Courage!
Gaurs International School, Siddharth Vihar, Ghaziabad, brought the enchanting world of “Beauty and the Beast” to life during its Annual Day 2024, leaving the audience spellbound!
The story unfolded with a heartfelt moment as Belle’s father, filled with worry, set off to check on his ships, leaving his daughters behind. While her sisters were lost in their own pursuits, Belle stood out with her poetic appreciation for nature’s beauty. She marveled at the lush landscapes, the vibrant birds in the sky, the flora and fauna and the simple joys that surrounded them.
This tender scene highlighted Belle’s kind soul and love for the natural world, setting the stage for the magical journey ahead. The Gaurians’ powerful performances, paired with stunning visuals, brought this timeless tale to life, touching hearts and inspiring minds.
Stay tuned for more glimpses of this extraordinary celebration of creativity and talent!