
15 JAN

At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents. Jane D. Hull.
To share the joy of nurturing the dreams of children and the world more blessed, Gaurs International School, GYC organized a fun-filled COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT DRIVE 2023 at the 16 PARKVIEW of Gaur Yamuna City on 15th January 23.
Numerous parents of the vicinity along with their children participated in the various activities illustrated by the school team to showcase the methodology of developing children’s motor, kinesthetic, and cognatic skills. The parents also participated energetically in fun-filled activities specially designed for them to connect with the children. They enjoyed being a part of this uncommon event and appreciated the initiative taken by the director, Mrs. Manju Gaur, and the school's principal, Ms. Jyoti Mehra Kacker. The event was a huge success and finished on a joyful full & harmonious note.

17 Jan 2023

School Admin